Oh SBT blog, how I have missed you.
Ever since the beginning of days of SBT here on Cape Cod, I have used the same awesome, huge, perfect bowl. Some of you may remember it featured in past posts, also featured to the right. Man, that bowl was awesome.
Well, as of two weeks ago I have some sad news to report. After coming into work with a sick child at home with my husband - just to participate in SBT of course - and rushing home to him after lunch, we had a casualty. After placing my huge lunch bag on my counter at home to go and give Jack a big hug, there was a soft thud, then CRASH!!!!!!!! Good bye salad bowl, hello huge mess of broken sadness. I couldn't believe it.

When the next SBT came around I was pondering what bowl I would bring with me that would do the same amount of justice that the deceased did. It was tough, because I did not have many options to choose from, and the larger bowls I really wanted to bring I didn't feel were fair to the rest of the SBT team. So, after a long thought process, I decided to give the black, square bowl a try. Come to find out, it was quite successful! It also received a compliment from fellow SBT Co-Founder as the "new bowl for photographing purposes". I am still in the testing phase, as this is week 2. I will keep you posted.