Tuesday, February 8, 2011

New Blog ideas

How about posting recipes to some of the other items we bring in? Or even just new recipes we love at home that are healthy and the whole family enjoys?

Things like
*chickpea salad
* butternut squash bisque
* taboulleh
*various salsas

all come to mind...

New Year New ideas...

So at the risk of sounding like a broken record, we need to come up with a resolution to maintain the entertainment of this blog. With bad weather, child sicknesses and vacations, we have not had more than a handful of actual meetings together in Hyannis since the last post. All good creations, but not noteworthy. Everyone was caught up in projects galore to even log in.

But with the new year comes a chance of rebirth, regeneration and re-invention. So I hereby declare that we will be re-designing this blog to more overall health oriented. We have had so many great contributions to our regular salad fixings, that I'd like to propose we include more encompassing posts.

I'll open the forum to all to add suggestions for a healthy new year of blogs!
Happy Eating!