Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Kinda like an old relationship

So I can't believe its been 3 weeks since our last blog post!! Its kinda sad but true, the wooing is over!! No more putting SBT in front of everything else, no more getting excited about what the other people (chapters) are doing, in fact they don't even call (participate) anymore. Its like our love affair with salad has gotten so comfortable its no longer at the forefront of our workday! We have religiously kept up with it, and even taking pictures meaning to blog, but then something more important comes up. Something more likely to give us more satisfaction and our poor bowls of salad get tossed aside. No more are the days of gossiping around the lettuce bowl, now we have to take our salad and eat it at our desks.

I hate to say it, but this relationship just hasn't turned me on in a very long time! Even with Amy's plentiful bounty of home grown lettuce, and the wondrous pasta salads, homemade tabouleh and organic veggies it just isn't like it used to be. The Middletown Men were never to be heard from again (must not be able to take defeat well). And the Seacoast Chapter decided to use our platform and create a day for their wieners! Typical Men!! They woo us with their enthusiasm and their willingness to listen and participate, and then just like that, with no warning they are gone. Its disheartening really, being left to tend to our healthy eating by ourselves. And quite honestly, the magic just isnt there for me anymore.

Don't get me wrong....my girls are always there with a huge bowl of lettuce and enough trimmings to have a second round...but on this sad and lonely day when I am unable to attend (family always trumps salad relationships) I am forced to reflect back on this journey and wonder how I can improve upon myself to make it more enjoyable!!

So I am once again throwing down the gauntlet to see if we can make our Summer of SBT to the next level. We will be having our first anniversary soon and we need to revive that spark we once had! I'm open to all suggestions!

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