Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The definition of Salad

Today we found ourselves with a conundrum. No one had brought any lettuce. Ms. Amy "Lettuce" Littlefield decided she didn't need to grace us with her presence, but failed to mention that to anyone prior to 730am this morning. Turns out everyone had lettuce at home, but no one thought to bring it because "someone else" always does. With no farmer's markets open nearby, and no supermarket within walking distance, we found ourselves in a pickle...and Karen had made some of her own to boot.

So the board of SBT had to make a critical game-time decision....to eat or not to eat.... We rallied together and based upon the wiki-definition of salad, we decided to travel through unchartered territory.

What does an SBT sans salad consist of you ask??? Well its not pretty, so there was no photographic evidence today sadly. But we managed to create bowls of yummy goodness without the popular leafy green that we have all taken for granted!
  • Home made bread and butter pickles
  • Homemade guacamole
  • Pasta pinwheels
  • Cuke,Campari & Kalamata salad with feta and mint
  • artichoke hearts
  • homegrown tomatoes
  • homegrown basil
  • avocado
  • chick peas
  • carrots
  • red pepper
  • roasted chicken
  • grilled steak
We have had some trouble resuming this Tuesday tradition, I think we are still in summer mode. We also had a suggestion made that we change days to rely on the local farmers market for our menu, and all board members will take suggestions to the next meeting and we will keep you posted.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ode to a Salad

Oh Salad how i've missed you....Let me count the ways
5) lonely days eating alone
4) leftover dinner reheated
3) Wendy's drive-thru between meetings
2) cold cuts on stale bread
and the number one reason I have missed you dear dear salad is for the return of my waistline!

How quickly this year has passsed. I'm glad for the return of our favorite day of the week. Friends, fun, and good health!

Man, this year went by fast

Today is the official Anniversary of Salad Bar Tuesday, can you even believe it? I remember just like it was yesterday when Catheren and I brought in the meager makings of a salad and look at us now! Although we did take the month of July off, we are back at it again today with fabulous selections from all our our SBT friends.

It has been an interesting year of salads, expansion and competition. We will never for get when the Cape Cod Originals beat the Merry Men of Middletown in our first SBT challenge. Or when Mike Siebach decided to launch a satellite SBT in Seacoast.

We have had ups and downs and weeks where only 3 people have participated, but we still have provided a wonderful bounty of delicious vegetables to feed the masses. From goat cheese, to home made bread and cupcakes, to dried cranberries and peas, we have seen it all. This year will be a fun year, time to challenge the contributors to get more creative with our feasts, and challenge other sites to bring the joy of Salad Bar Tuesday into their lives.

Thank you every one for a fabulous year of Salad Bar Tuesdays - it really makes for a fun work week and has always been a great way to return to work after a bad case of the Mondays.
