Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Only the lonely
Looking forward to when the gang reunites next week, although maybe i will, maybe i wont attend as Dave Matthews will be calling my name and I might need to prepare in other ways than chopping vegetables if you know what i mean :)
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
And then there was one more...
Today was also a belated birthday celebration for Karen so besides the delicious spread of vegetable chili, roasted chicken, caprese salad, pea pods and much much more Catheren brought in a double chocolate trifle. Since we have already posted the link to one of the top favorite friends episodes where Joey makes trifle, so this is a tribute out to the birthday girl!!
Sadly this blog is cut short due to work constraints, but hopefully this will jump start some more blogs now that the fall is in full swing.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The definition of Salad
So the board of SBT had to make a critical game-time decision....to eat or not to eat.... We rallied together and based upon the wiki-definition of salad, we decided to travel through unchartered territory.
What does an SBT sans salad consist of you ask??? Well its not pretty, so there was no photographic evidence today sadly. But we managed to create bowls of yummy goodness without the popular leafy green that we have all taken for granted!
- Home made bread and butter pickles
- Homemade guacamole
- Pasta pinwheels
- Cuke,Campari & Kalamata salad with feta and mint
- artichoke hearts
- homegrown tomatoes
- homegrown basil
- avocado
- chick peas
- carrots
- red pepper
- roasted chicken
- grilled steak
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Ode to a Salad

Oh Salad how i've missed you....Let me count the ways
5) lonely days eating alone
4) leftover dinner reheated
3) Wendy's drive-thru between meetings
2) cold cuts on stale bread
and the number one reason I have missed you dear dear salad is for the return of my waistline!
How quickly this year has passsed. I'm glad for the return of our favorite day of the week. Friends, fun, and good health!
Man, this year went by fast
It has been an interesting year of salads, expansion and competition. We will never for get when the Cape Cod Originals beat the Merry Men of Middletown in our first SBT challenge. Or when Mike Siebach decided to launch a satellite SBT in Seacoast.
We have had ups and downs and weeks where only 3 people have participated, but we still have provided a wonderful bounty of delicious vegetables to feed the masses. From goat cheese, to home made bread and cupcakes, to dried cranberries and peas, we have seen it all. This year will be a fun year, time to challenge the contributors to get more creative with our feasts, and challenge other sites to bring the joy of Salad Bar Tuesday into their lives.
Thank you every one for a fabulous year of Salad Bar Tuesdays - it really makes for a fun work week and has always been a great way to return to work after a bad case of the Mondays.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
And then there were three
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Kinda like an old relationship
I hate to say it, but this relationship just hasn't turned me on in a very long time! Even with Amy's plentiful bounty of home grown lettuce, and the wondrous pasta salads, homemade tabouleh and organic veggies it just isn't like it used to be. The Middletown Men were never to be heard from again (must not be able to take defeat well). And the Seacoast Chapter decided to use our platform and create a day for their wieners! Typical Men!! They woo us with their enthusiasm and their willingness to listen and participate, and then just like that, with no warning they are gone. Its disheartening really, being left to tend to our healthy eating by ourselves. And quite honestly, the magic just isnt there for me anymore.
Don't get me wrong....my girls are always there with a huge bowl of lettuce and enough trimmings to have a second round...but on this sad and lonely day when I am unable to attend (family always trumps salad relationships) I am forced to reflect back on this journey and wonder how I can improve upon myself to make it more enjoyable!!
So I am once again throwing down the gauntlet to see if we can make our Summer of SBT to the next level. We will be having our first anniversary soon and we need to revive that spark we once had! I'm open to all suggestions!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The story of a bowl

Ever since the beginning of days of SBT here on Cape Cod, I have used the same awesome, huge, perfect bowl. Some of you may remember it featured in past posts, also featured to the right. Man, that bowl was awesome.
Well, as of two weeks ago I have some sad news to report. After coming into work with a sick child at home with my husband - just to participate in SBT of course - and rushing home to him after lunch, we had a casualty. After placing my huge lunch bag on my counter at home to go and give Jack a big hug, there was a soft thud, then CRASH!!!!!!!! Good bye salad bowl, hello huge mess of broken sadness. I couldn't believe it.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I need to get dressed!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Seacoast Media Group Gains Co-Founder's Approval
Although my team did not have time to participate, we did stop in on the SBT festivities to see how they ran their ship. And let me tell you, it was pretty awesome. Huge bowl of lettuce, many salad dressings, toppings galore and to top it all off - COOKIES!! My favorite of course, and I was hooked. Mike Siebach introduced me to the new team and they were off! I think I can speak on behalf of my other SBT co-founder, Catheren, when I say that we are so excited, honored, ecstatic, overjoyed that another group of fellow local media people have become hooked to our new founded Tuesday adventure.
To put the icing on the cake their local food columnist Rachel Forrest wrote them/us up - check it out!
Thanks Seacoast - Keep up the good work!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Work work go away...let us have our salad day!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Rain, Rain go away on our Salad Bar Tuesday

Amy and I were hard at work while enjoying Salad Bar Tuesday - Google docs had our attention for a minute, but it was hard to work staring over my beautiful salad creation.
Catheren gets an A+ for her salad bar deliciousness

Thanks Ladies for making Tuesday the best day of the week - Spreading happiness, one salad at a time.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Introducing the Seacoast Salad Semi-Pros!

I'm not much of a fruits-and-veggies guy. I like a large, medium rare steak. In fact, that's what I had for breakfast. But I like the idea of a cheap and healthy lunch, which is why I brought the Salad Bar Tuesday franchise to Seacoast Media Group.
Even though the email invitations to participate in SBT were emailed late Monday afternoon at SMG, the response was still great! Admittedly, it was too late of a notice for some, but when they saw how great SBT was, they got excited to participate. Next week should be the best Seacoast SBT ever!
Let's look at what we had:
-Grilled chicken
-Santa Fe tortilla strips
-All manner of fancy dressings
-Cottage cheese
-Red peppers
The Seacoast Salad Semi-Pros' first SBT was a hit, and I know participation will be up significantly next week!
As our Membership Grows

Our movement is spreading north

Monday, March 22, 2010
Salad Bar Tuesday begins at Seacoast Media Group Offices
This is late, I know. I am sorry. In the interest of eating healthy and enjoying good food, the Cape Cod-inspired Salad Bar Tuesday is starting tomorrow.
What is it? http://saladbartuesday.blogspot.com/
Salad Bar Tuesday: Bring in a salad topping/condiment of your choice. Bring in a couple if you’d like. Others will do the same, and with our ingredients combined, we can build some killer salads.
Salad Bar Tuesday is all about bringing what you already have and making a great salad with it? You have lettuce but no toppings? Bring that! You have leftover chicken from grilling on Saturday? Bring that!
You also have to bring your own bowl/plate and utensil. You probably already knew that, though.
Any questions? Think we can pull this off tomorrow?
-Feta cheese
-Hard boiled eggs
-Bourbon chicken
-Roasted Red Pepper Hummus
-Dried cranberries
-Dill mini gherkins
-Whole grain croutons
-Cheese and garlic croutons
-Wheat Baguette
-Home made french bread
-Home made roasted garlic olive oil
-Home made Tabbouli
Smart move by Mike Siebach - suggest ideas from the winners list!!
Good luck tomorrow Seacoast!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Cape Cod Originals take the Gold!
I will admit this excitement did consume most of my lunch break and after work hours yesterday, and some might label that behavior as insane. However, when my competitive juices are flowing, there is no stopping me! The health kick is just an added bonus. Fun, friends and a reason to get up in the morning are all key elements in this phenomenom we lovingly refer to as SBT.
I welcome all new locations to gather together and start your own chapter. Its easy. Its fun. And best of all its good for you too.
Congratulations to all participants, pat the winners on the back (oooh wait....thats me...insert pat here) and a word of advice to the newcomers...the planning of next meeting's menu should start right about.....NOW!
And the Winner is...
Being asked to vote for or against your bosses would seem like it presents a bit of a dilemma. Do we want to get paid tomorrow? Or can we live off SBT leftovers for the next two weeks???
All of the judges admitted this was a close match, especially since the Merry Men of Middletown brought the thunder and noise. Thunder and noise seems like it should be an essential element in every SBT. A salad bowl is also on the line here, so the stakes are high.
In the end though, the judges decided.... (drum roll here).... that the SBT Cape Cod Originals are the winners this time.
Though Merry Men of Middletown you gave them an excellent run for their salad, and with a few weeks of SBT training, you might be able to win that salad bowl yet!
Salad Bar Tuesday heads West
We think we've made a good run at it. Here's the list of participants and their contributions:
Patrick Mullen:
- Fruit salad
- Hummus
- Crackers
- Fresh mozzarella
- Sliced cantaloupe
- Fruit salad
- The thunder and the noise
- Baby spinach
- Peas
- Chickpeas
- Dried cranberries
- Tortilla strips for croutons
- Tomatoes
- Cucumber
- Mushrooms
- Cutting board and Rachel Ray knife
- Feta cheese
- Shredded carrots
- Newman's Own Olive Oil and Vinegar
- Spring mix
- Chopped celery
- Chopped green onions
- Mini pepperoni
- Smoked salmon
- Goat cheese crumbles
- Dried cranberry, raisin and strawberry mix
- Spicy sprouts
- Snow peas
- Newman's Own Light Roasted Garlic Balsamic
- Riceworks Sweet Chili chips
- Snickerdoodles
The photographic evidence:
Cape Cod Originals Smack Down Contributions
Feta cheese
Hard boiled eggs
Bourbon chicken
Roasted Red Pepper Hummus
Dried cranberries
Dill mini gherkins
Whole grain croutons
Cheese and garlic croutons
Wheat Baguette
Home made french bread
Home made roasted garlic olive oil
Home made Tabbouli
Home made ginger carrot soup
Selection of salad dressings - including Catalina, Caesar, Red Wine Vinaigrette and more
Butter Cream Cupcakes with dark chocolate frosting and chocolate shavings
(Happy Birthday Linda!)
The day we've all been waiting for!
Kari Richards- Technology Services (head judge)
Jeff Raper- Distributed Media team
Hakim Younsi- Interactive Media Services
Bryan Swallow-Technology Services
Dana Carrion-Technology Services
The requirements are that all food is either homemade or bought in a food/grocery store, i.e. Not from a restaurant or a restaurant brand.
The judges will each read both teams blog post list of ingredients and vote for which location they would prefer to eat at. The votes will be given to the head judge and she will post the winner on the blog no later than 1:30pm EST.
Good Luck to both Teams: Cape Cod Originals vs. The Men of Middletown
Monday, March 15, 2010
SBT Smackdown
However, as the official co-host of this healthy phenomenon, I am pleased to announce the opening of a new chapter of Salad Bar Tuesday. The Men of Middletown (name to be formalized at the induction ceremony...may change...don't personalize anything just yet) have been inspired to add a healthy day to their work week.
The rules of SBT state that in order to become an official member of the SBT family, your group must join the blog and your first entry must include all the elements of your feast. Our unbiased panel of non-participating judges (names withheld to protect their anonymity) will then vote on whose feast they would prefer to participate in. If the newest chapter wins for that week, their entire group will win a commerative personalized salad bowl.
Check back for the date of the vote for the official design. We are also holding a contest for the official logo. Details to follow.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Yet another plentiful bounty


And you thought salad and polka were mutually exclusive
We decided to add a little music to the festivities. We'll spare you the full song, but we will give you a sample:
The spread was fantastic. Overwhelming. I'm pondering thirds myself, but then there is my belated birthday cookie, courtesy of Distributed Media Bake Shop (Motto: Making dreams come true, one cookie at a time). It is hard to miss in this picture. Focus on the baked good bigger than my head in the lower left corner. It taunts. Beckons. Begs for indulgence.
So do the cupcakes. Gourmet jellybeans -- my kryptonite -- top each one. I've never seen such a healthy meal with so many additional temptations.
As I threatened aloud, there are likely to be more impromptu Distributed Media team meetings that just happen to coincide with SBT. As Jamie would say, just sayin'....
Be Our Guest
So today, we invite the DM team to Be Our Guest - next time it could be you!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
A Salad Bowl is...A Beautiful Medley
Since everyone was participating the toppings were endless, but since about 3pm yesterday I knew exactly the direction I was headed....a taco salad delight.
I had made some veggie chili to share with the group along with assorted grated cheeses. All of the participants had brought other bountiful treasures and my taco salad was in full swing.
I filled my bowl with lettuce on one half and chili on the other. I topped the lettuce with one of the most scrumptious food items I have ever tasted, Jamie's Pilgrim salad. I also included some sliced tomatoes and tortilla chips on the lettuce side. On the chili side of my bowl I added some grated cheddar and mozzarella cheese and sour cream, that Catheren had so kindly contributed saving me a trip to the store. And viola, my salad was complete. I could say something like this salad was comparable to Beethoven's 5th, but it was really a Dave Mathews song today, courtesy of Jamie's iTouch and our Dave Mathews Salad Bar Tuesday.
The Masterpiece of Salad

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
i made it!
The return of SBT
Catheren arrived in the nick of time at 11:59 with bread and croutons in hand after going to bed at 1:30am after a long day of travel with 2 children and no husband to help, and Karen even squeezed in a salad before her dentist appointment! (Don't worry, she brushed)
Amy made a delicious orzo, white bean salad with basil, tomatoes and GARLIC, I wouldn't be surprised if you can smell it through the blog today. Oh my!! - but it was awesome. Amy also played the part of "Hero" and brought double chocolate chunk cookies and peanut butter cookies. I may have actually deemed her the Villain, but I fell for the cookies as well.
So great to be back in the swing of things. I don't know what I would to without SBT, it truly makes my day and my week!
Monday, February 22, 2010
flying from florida to make it home in time....
May not be contributing mouch more than dressing and a fork, but its a start!!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Are you kidding me with this???
I'm deeply saddened, but somewhat humbled that my absence caused a pause in our usual routine...however, our mission statement clearly states that come hell or high water, torrential rains or blizzards dont keep us away from having one day devoted to health and merriment. All I can say is that I hope my girls back east are regrouping today and wont let me down for another day today! T-17 mins for LOSBT so here I am waiting with baited breath.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
I'm just sayin....
You DO win friends with salad
We do every Tuesday!! It is amazing how many friends I win every week with a bag of spinach, an avocado, cucumbers, tomatoes, chickpeas, and mushrooms!!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
SBT is not Exclusive
Contrary to popular belief Salad Bar Tuesday is open for general admission. It has been referenced to as an elite club, a small gathering of the finest women and I am here to set the record straight. We are not elitists (-ish) and men are certainly welcome. The by-laws clearly state that we offer a FREE trial membership. Any newcomber is welcome to try our variety of tasty offerings before committing to weekly contributions. There are other people who share this secluded office space and they have been repeatedly invited to join. Most of the time we get the cold shoulder and the popular response is "i'm not much of a salad person". We have even had people tell us they want to join and then they let us down by not being in the office on Tuesday to participate (Bryan, you know who you are). And most recently I caught Frank peering over the cubicle wall to admire today's fabulous spread which included:
- a variety of Le-Toose
- artichoke hearts
- goat cheese
- dried cranberries
- homemade tabbouleh
- bacon
- taco turkey
- celery
- shaved carrots
- homemade broccoli rotini soup
Let me hereby declare, that any man, woman or child is welcome to join us on any Tuesday at noon (EST) for a feast above all feasts. We do not make you sign a contract, donate blood, or make you promise to name your next child SBT, but we do ask for a commitment to whole hearted health and good fun every Tuesday from here on in!
The Countdown is on!
From the rumors floating around I hear we have soup from Pam today, Tabbouleh from Amy, and I see some chickpeas already out from Karen. My contributions today include lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, goat cheese, artichokes, avocado and crazy popcorn. I do see Catheren has her whole wheat croutons on her desk too - thank GOD!!
TWO more minutes!! It is just about that time though when everyone starts fumbling around to get there goodies, I will have to make a trip downstairs to the fridge to get my offerings seeing that our mini-fridge up here is too full today! Not that it is a bad thing!
I have my bowl, fork and knife ready to attack - don't you wish you could hang like us?!?! :)
On my way to retrieve my goodies!! WOOT WOOT!!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
So much food, So few ladies
Since we don't technically go anywhere for SBT/SBW I spent my ostercized crunching time searching for fun related Salad Bar entertainment. Enjoy!
Leftover Salad Bar Tuesday
What a bonus, almost everything from yesterday has filled my bowl again today - minus the dried cranberries that Amy so thoughtfully brought home - thanks Amy. Another added bonus is Catheren has joined me for lunch at my desk....CRUNCH, CRUNCH, CRUNCH on the croutons in my ear. Oh well, makes for good company. :)
Also, in the process of looking at another person's theme song, I happened upon our theme song
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
What a difference it makes when everyone participates!

Wondering what's on the menu
It stinks to be hungry at 9:30... maybe I need to have an apple or something...
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
You know you are addicted to SBT when.....
- Your child is sick, but you HAVE to go to work just for SBT and will leave after to relieve your spouse
- You plan your Tuesday calls, appointments and child care around lunch time
- You are watching the clock at 11:52am on Tuesday knowing that SBT always starts at noon and you are not sure if you will be able to make it
- You stop at the grocery store on your way into work to purchase your SBT contributions so that you will not be left out
- You plan your weekly grocery shopping around what you will need for SBT
- You think it is a good idea to start a blog about it
- You begin to encourage friends at other work places to start up their own, but recommend other days of the week because Tuesday is your day
- You think there are enough ideas to write a blog on all of the reasons why we are addicted
Please feel free to add why you know you are addicted too!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Missing SBT is like forgetting to brush your teeth...you just DONT do it!!

Then, last week my youngest daughter was sick!! I was devastated. I even sent out an email reminder to everyone that SBT was still on because our co-founder had the audacity to go on a cruise, and then much to my dismay, my daughter refused to get better. I was heartbroken, hungry and worst of all forced to be unhealthy! Not because my 2 yr old had a 101 fever and refused to sleep, but because the one thing i have to look forward to routinely anymore in my life was not to be.
Now i realize there may be those naysayers out there who have a puzzled look on their face right now trying to figure out how anyone can be this addicted to salad, but trust me, it can happen to you! This economy has sucked us all dry, and since we have to go to work, it gives us that one thing to look forward to each and every Tuesday morning. The reason to get out of bed in the morning. Albeit, I have to get up slightly earlier on Tuesdays to slice, dice and prepare my fixings, but its all worth it.
In the name of health, happiness and good friends, I say welcome back SBT...its great to be a part of this fabulous tradition.
Oh, Yummy Croutons
But two weeks ago, someone forgot the croutons. Its not one person's responsibility to bring the croutons, but there are always there and I love them. They just add something special to the salad. However last SBT, they were missing. I was crushed.
But life is looking up and today must be my lucky day, as we have some yummy croutons adding to the crunch of the lettuce, balsamic dressing, red and green peppers, basil, pine nuts, goat cheese and tomatoes in my bowl. As co-creator Jamie Bohlin said, "The goal of a salad is to have 50% lettuce and 50% of other goodies." I think I reached that goal today.
Why Salad Bar Tuesday?
Jamie: What are you doing for lunch tomorrow?
Catheren: I don't know, I have salad toppings, but no lettuce
Jamie: I have lettuce, but no salad toppings
and so it began.
How does it work? Every Tuesday there are at least 6-8 of us in the office that bring in salad pieces/parts. From lettuce and cucumbers, to bread and cheese we have seen it all. Some of the favorite contributions range from Amy's chickpea salad to Judy's peas and Catheren's cracker croutons.
We have also started to incorporate soups or chili when one of us feels like getting fancy or we have left overs from the weekend.
It is a ton of fun and we highly recommend trying it at your place of work. You can make it your own too by starting it on your own day of the week! Try out SBW and let us know how it works for you!