Monday, March 15, 2010

SBT Smackdown

At presstime, the date is now pending for the official gauntlet.....

However, as the official co-host of this healthy phenomenon, I am pleased to announce the opening of a new chapter of Salad Bar Tuesday. The Men of Middletown (name to be formalized at the induction ceremony...may change...don't personalize anything just yet) have been inspired to add a healthy day to their work week.

The rules of SBT state that in order to become an official member of the SBT family, your group must join the blog and your first entry must include all the elements of your feast. Our unbiased panel of non-participating judges (names withheld to protect their anonymity) will then vote on whose feast they would prefer to participate in. If the newest chapter wins for that week, their entire group will win a commerative personalized salad bowl.

Check back for the date of the vote for the official design. We are also holding a contest for the official logo. Details to follow.


  1. Check back for logo contest details coming tomorrow

  2. Don't forget about the photos to prove that the ingredients listed were all present.
