Tuesday, March 16, 2010

And the Winner is...

Sorry for the delay folks, I know you have been "patiently" waiting. :)

Being asked to vote for or against your bosses would seem like it presents a bit of a dilemma. Do we want to get paid tomorrow? Or can we live off SBT leftovers for the next two weeks???

All of the judges admitted this was a close match, especially since the Merry Men of Middletown brought the thunder and noise. Thunder and noise seems like it should be an essential element in every SBT. A salad bowl is also on the line here, so the stakes are high.

In the end though, the judges decided.... (drum roll here).... that the SBT Cape Cod Originals are the winners this time.

Though Merry Men of Middletown you gave them an excellent run for their salad, and with a few weeks of SBT training, you might be able to win that salad bowl yet!


  1. *insert Catheren's winners dance here*

  2. Congratulations to both teams! A very difficult matchup indeed!

  3. Is there video of the dance?

    We appreciate the chance to compete. And the chance to eat!

  4. sadly no video, but feel free to upload any videos onto the facebook group

  5. This was so much fun.
